Progressive Alert

Obama - Buttigieg

Were you surprised at Pete Buttigieg’s performance in the Iowa Caucuses? Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Twice. First, on August 1, 2019, Suspicious Angels published Will a Charm Offensive and Oodles of Money Land Pete Buttigieg in the Oval Office? Ask Barack Obama — an exposé laying out chapter and verse how he planned to rise through the ranks to the top tier using the Obama playbook. Again, on December 3, 2019, Suspicious Angels published What makes Pete Buttigieg Run — spelling out how he intends to grab the nomination. And now he appears to have won Iowa. The same way Obama did with a staff of former Obama campaign advisers, scooping up largesse aplenty from the same democratic moneybags that bankrolled Obama, enticing super delegates to hop on the Buttigieg express if the selection process requires a second round. One thing is certain — Buttigieg is out to win it all. Remember the high hopes we had for Obama? “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. For all our sakes, read (or reread) both.


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