That Sound You Hear is the Stampede of Democratic Hopefuls Running Away from National Health Insurance

That Sound You Hear is the Stampede of Democratic Hopefuls
Running Away from National Health Insurance

Medicare For All

National health insurance was MIA in the first Democratic debate. Over two nights 18 of the 20 candidates declined to get behind it. Make that 19 as one, Kamala Harris, seeing which way she thought the wind was blowing, walked back her support the next day. Their excuse: 158 million Americans who get their health insurance at work and are allegedly invested in corporate healthcare. And what a great deal they’re getting — premiums up 55% in the last decade, rising twice as fast as wages and three times as fast as inflation. Workers forced to give up 10 to 12% of their pay to cover their health insurance premiums and 85% paying deductibles as high as $2,000. What’s not to like? Thanks to corporate media the lies and misstatements of the corporate health industry get widespread coverage. More than one-half of Americans believe they will still have to pay premiums, deductibles, and copays under a national health plan. Thanks to the hundreds of millions of dollars the healthcare lobby showers on Congress, many of them sing from the same hymnal. We make the case for national health insurance with every sector of the economy paying their fair share: wealthy individuals and corporations, the finance industry, and taxpayers. It’s time for America to join the rest of the world and deliver healthcare to anyone who needs it.

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How Healthcare Went from a Healing Profession to a Profit-Driven Business

Hospitals Buy Prctices

EMAIL Will Americans ever wake up to the shoddy treatment they receive in their doctor’s office? Will they ever say “no mas” and give a collective heave-ho to a system run by the rich for the rich that costs each American $11,212 every year but ranks near the bottom of the barrel at 27th in effectiveness among 36 of the most economically developed countries in the world? It’s a $3.75 trillion boondoggle done up to make you think there’s really a wizard behind a magical curtain instead of a fraudster behind a piece of cloth. Read “How Healthcare Went from a Healing Profession to a Profit-Driven Business” and guaranteed you’ll be shouting “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.”

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