The Whole World is Watching

The whole world is watching the U.S. provide unconditional support for Israel whether supplying arms, obstructing ceasefire resolutions in the UN or talking tough defending Israel’s slaughter of at the latest count 21,000 innocent Palestinians (40% of them children) and the destruction of their land. This is how U.S. president Biden sees it: “In the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attack —brutal, inhumane—…we will continue to have Israel’s back as you [Israel] work to defend your people. We will continue to work with you…to prevent more tragedy of innocent civilians… Today, tomorrow and always…[Joe Biden after October 7]

The rest of the world doesn’t agree. “The world’s patience with us [the U.S.] and our arrogance and presumption is coming to an end.” [Chas Freeman] In a recent UN vote in the General Assembly for a ceasefire 153 countries (representing 89% of world’s population) voted yes for a cease fire. Just 10 countries (5% of world’s population) voted no. Since the U.S. is 4+% of the world’s population, less than 1% of the world’s people are on the side of the U.S.

At home, the majority of the American people are clamoring for their government to stop their complicity in Israel’s war crimes.

It’s simple really when you think about it. America’s moral leadership of the world has crumbled. The empire is teetering on the precipice of decline having lost the patience and respect of the entire world by its unwavering support of Israel, a nation that has gone mad on its own excesses and is viewed by most of the world as an outlaw state.

Why did U.S. leaders decide to join Israel on the dark side? You’ll find the answer in The Whole World is Watching


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