Scam of the Century

Pharma Billionaires

Could it be that the Covid pandemic was Act 1 of a get rich quick scheme that defies all odds? While over one million ordinary Americans died, vaccinated or not, nine new vaccine-billionaires were created. 613 million vaccines that Uncle Sam paid (actually overpaid) for went into American arms. What choice did we have? Send our kids to school? They had to be vaccinated. Go to work? We had to be vaccinated. Take a trip on an airplane? Need proof of vaccination. Shop at the grocery store? Make sure you’re vaccinated and oh yes, put on your mask. The vaccine makers promised transparency, but they wanted 75 years to be transparent. The FDA and CDC kept changing the narrative. It all came down to one simple fact —maybe the vaccine won’t keep you from getting Covid but our buddies at big pharma will make out like gangbusters.  Three years later and we learn not only that the FDA approved Covid boosters based on the results of a trial that included only 20 mice and 50 humans, but the findings of over sixteen studies, one at the University of Chicago Medical School and another one at the Cleveland Clinic were unanimous: Covid sufferers were no more likely to infect others than those who didn’t have Covid and “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from Covid 19 vaccinations.” Make of it what you will, but check it out and decide for yourself in “Scam of the Century”.



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