Why Do They Hate Us?


No, President Bush, the rest of the world doesn’t hate us for our freedoms. They hate us because we are an imperial nation committed to stalking other peoples’ lands for the oil and mineral reserves we crave and after a U.S. assisted coup installing a “friendly” tin pot dictator to do our bidding. A succession of presidents Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden to name the most recent have patted themselves on the back for orchestrating a coup or two. It all works out in the end: the US gets what its elites want and the victims get years of autocratic rule until the dictator pisses off the U.S. and is replaced with another U.S. puppet (Noriega in Panama is a good example). With 800+ military bases around the world and a military industrial complex besotted with the plunder of other country’s resources, the world has become the victim of a capitalist bully determined to bring it under its umbrella. While the U.S. rampages around the world creating death and misery wherever its jackbooted military goes, it persists in thinking that same world is its oyster. How delusional to ignore the evidence in plain sight of the depth of ill will roiling nations who are tired of the U.S. interfering in its business. “Yankee go home.” Not that America doesn’t have a lot of family business to take care of. Our major cities are getting hollowed out — homeless people sleeping under every bridge while the bridges themselves are crumbling, citizens in East Palestine afraid to go back to their polluted homes, the onslaught of crooks from Blackrock and similar vulture firms rushing into Maui to buy ruined homesteads on the cheap, while the USG gives billions to Ukraine and $700 to each Maui resident. If you really want to know why they hate us, check out “Why Do They Hate Us?” and wince.

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