Social Security: The Little Engine That Couldn’t

Social Security Created

The man whom liberals saw as the second coming seven years ago, a title he abandoned when personal considerations intruded, rightly pointed out “…When half of older Americans have no retirement savings and millions of senior citizens are living in poverty, our job is not to cut Social Security…[but] to expand…[it] so that every senior citizen in America can retire with…dignity…” [Bernie Sanders] Maybe present day retirees will be unscathed by the greed of the richest Americans, but as the empire’s declining economic and social prospects make clear, younger Americans are poised on the edge of a slippery slope as they approach the “golden years”. Already the United States is circling the drain. While social security systems around the globe pay out 57.9% of their workers’ earnings in retirement benefits, the richest country in the world pays out 41%. The elites tell Americans benefit cuts are the only way preserve the system. “Liar, liar pants on fire. The truth is if they paid their fair share including the income that doesn’t get counted, the present Social Security system could last another 75 years. Want to know some of the tricks of the trade elites use to hoodwink the rest? Check out “Social Security: The Little Engine That Couldn’t”.

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