American Paranoia Part 2: American “Innocence” Vs. A World of Enemies

That big snore you hear in exceptional-land signals the end of the road for Russia-gate. When asked, only 1% of the America public believe the Russian caper was a major problem. The enemies most Americans care about are skyrocketing health costs, stagnant wages, life-time student loans, rising interest rates, crumbling infrastructure and the climate change-caused rain and fire destroying huge swaths of the “homeland.” Russia-gate has fallen out of the top ten. Even predictions of a coming Armageddon aren’t cutting much ice. This sorry state of affairs prompted leaders of America’s intelligence agencies to hold a group sing-a-long touting “new evidence” that “Russia continues to engage in malign operations” (as per usual no evidence to support that claim). if you read last week’s article American Paranoia: They’re Out to Get us, you know that even scaredy-cat Americans aren’t buying the hype. To find out how D.C. elites and their media buddies hope to reverse the Russia-gate death spiral, don’t miss American Paranoia Part 2: American “Innocence” Vs. A World of Enemies.


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American Paranoia: You-Know-Who Is Out to Get Us

The drum beats getting louder. The wolves circling the tree for the final assault. The president under fire. The plot against America repeated on an endless loop out of every media, congressional, and pundit hidey-hole. Even the ‘party of the people’s liberal cadre have joined the hue and cry. It’s “likely” the Russians have something to do with Donald Trump. (Jeff Merkely) “Russia interfered in our elections & attacked our democracy” (Elizabeth Warren). This isn’t the first time the intelligence community has had “high confidence” that someone was out to get us. Who can forget the Iraq WMD caper when everyone (who was anybody) knew that we were in the crosshairs of a dangerous demagogue. That was then, this is now and the stakes are considerably higher, the threat of nuclear war considerably graver. Games of chicken have a nasty habit of turning on their creators. We try to distinguish the forest from the trees in this article.


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