How She Did It and Why: The True Story of ******’s First Two Nude Photos (Adult content, Adults only)

Straight from the archives, the unvarnished truth about Marilyn Monroe’s famous (and controversial) press conference following the appearance of her nude photos in the first edition of Playboy. The saga began in 1949 after one of her first appearances on the screen—a walk-on role in the last feature film the Marx brothers made, Happy Talk. […]


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Sterilization, Indefinite Detention, Concentration Camps—The Future of Dissent in America?

It’s morning in America again and many of us take for granted that in a country purportedly governed by the rule of law, our civil liberties are constitutionally guaranteed and not up for grabs as they are in totalitarian countries.  A dangerous and false assumption. Buried deep in U.S. legal history are two Supreme Court […]


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