U.S. Regime Change Engine Masquerading as a “Do Gooder” Charity: Why Defunding USAID Makes a Lot of Countries Breathe Easier

U.S. Regime Change Engine Masquerading as a “Do Gooder” Charity: Why Defunding USAID Makes a Lot of Countries Breathe Easier

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the [U.S.] Government, and I’m here to help.” [Ronald Reagan]

For Ronald Reagan that was the beginning of an eight-year crusade to cut social welfare programs that brought much needed aid to America’s poor. For the world’s countries that have been on the receiving end of America’s “generosity,” it means something quite different but just as ‘terrifying.’ The “aid” program in question is a $40 billion (annually) behemoth which operates under the title of USAID and dispenses its largesse to 130 countries—Europe and Eurasia getting the lion’s share ($17.2 billion). Since 2022, most of it, 14.7 billion in 2023, going to line the pockets of Ukrainian oligarchs and Ukrainian President Zelensky.

The sound bites from USAID’s vast propaganda apparatus paint a rosy picture of aid workers bringing relief to desperately poor countries. The reality is quite different. Client states who have experienced the destabilization and unrest that occurs when USAID comes calling tell it like it is — “At best, maybe 10% of the money reaches real projects that help people in need (there are such cases), but the rest is used to fuel dissent, finance protests, and undermine administrations that refuse to align with the globalist agenda,” [El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele]

Former Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obra is another of a few world leaders who have survived despite USAID “humanitarian visits” —“The US government, specifically through USAID, has for some time been financing organizations openly against the legal and legitimate government I represent. This is clearly an interventionist act, contrary to international law and the relations which should prevail between free and sovereign states

But that state of affairs is not what most of the world’s main stream media want you to believe. In the wake of President Trump’s plan to close down USAID, the media’s pants are on fire. Here’s NBC News singing the blues — “USAID cuts devastate lifesaving programs.CNN was also down in the dumps — “USAID’s extremely uncertain future risks global aid efforts, especially in Ukraine”

To receive such glowing press, USAID spends more than $250 million every year bankrolling 6,200 reporters at 1,000 news or journalism organizations under the guise of “promoting independent journalism.” Not surprisingly 90% of Ukrain’s media has been compromised [Oksana Romanyuk, director of Ukraine’s Institute for Mass Information.

Sometimes even those whose living depends on USAID inadvertently tell the truth — “If you are funded by the U.S. government, there are certain topics that you simply would not go after, because the U.S. government has its interest that are above all others.” [Leila Bicakcic, CEO of Center for Investigative Reporting, a USAID-supported Bosnian group).

As USAID is being dismembered, the rats are leaving the sinking ship. One laid off former employee told Fox News —“it’s not a generosity project. This is a national security agency and effort at its core.”

It all started in 1961 with President John F. Kennedy, who, overlooking his 600 attempts on the life of Cuban President Fidel Castro and on the strength of his creating the Peace Corps, was generally considered a compassionate humanitarian peace-loving president. Typical of most U.S. presidents during the cold war and after, his concern for the poor and downtrodden was secondary to his devout anti-communism. JFK, like every cold warrior, saw a “commie” under the bed of every world leader who refused to go along with the U.S. fantasy of a world-wide Communist plot. USAID was his answer to that illusory threat. Founded to bolster conservative pro-US governments and to destroy national liberation movements, it orchestrated regime operations in Latin America, Africa, Asia and eastern Europe.

USAID is a global phenomenon. Operating in tandem with the CIA, it has spread chaos and confusion all over the world destabilizing governments and replacing democratically elected leaders with dictators. Haiti is a tragic example. In 1991, USAID backed opposition groups and death squads contributing to the destabilization and eventual overthrow of Haiti’s democratically elected leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide. USAID’s meddling had dramatic and for the Haitian people devastating consequences as the country erupted in political turmoil and violence. By 2024, Haiti was ranked fourth as the country with the highest crime rate in the world. [World Population Review]

Cuba’s brush with the “do-gooders” at USAID was a similar catastrophe. After spending billions on unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Castro, in 2014, President Obama bragged about a “new beginning” for relations between the two countries. As his lies were being broadcast around the world, USAID was running a fake HIV-prevention workshops designed to create the “perfect excuse” for their intelligence gathering and recruitment activities.

It’s not only the global south, countries like Venezuela and Nicaragua, but countless other places in central America that have seen their people reduced to poverty, their country ransacked when USAID came calling.  In the Mideast, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen have been destroyed by USAID’s regime change operations. Ukraine is on the verge of disappearing. Even former Soviet republics and satellites, like Georgia and Romania have felt the heavy hand of the spooks at USAID.

One might call it social engineering at the butt of a rifle as USAID uses aid as a weapon to interfere in the political life of other countries. Millions of the world’s people have found their way of life shattered, their future prospects grim as USAID mounts regime change operations, color revolutions, bankrolls friendly media and spends billions of American taxpayer dollars making the world unsafe for countries that don’t march to the tune of America the Beautiful.

As USAID is being dismembered, one has to ask: Will anything change. Will wishes come true and US humanitarian aid be reimagined as a force for good? “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”


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