Suspicious Angels Readers: You heard it here first! The whole unvarnished truth, not the half-truths and omissions dictated by the ideological bias of the mainstream media.
In October, 2016, we published “Take the Oil and Run” a rebuke to the “paper of record’s” (NY Times) assertion that Trump was the sole cheerleader behind the proposal that the U.S. should recoup the tremendous expenses of the two wars they started by making off with the oil in Iraq and Libya. The expected negative public reaction to another in a growing list of Trump malefactions was the Times’ way of using its public megaphone to convince democrats and a sizeable number of “mainstream” republicans to “dump Trump” on November 8.
Not an unheard-of ploy to besmirch an unwanted candidate by a 1% media run by five billionaires. But as SA was the first to report pillaging and plundering both countries as reparations for U.S. mistakes was a bi-partisan affair.
Now, candidate Trump is President Trump and The New York Times is at it again reporting that President Trump wants to extend the Afghanistan War (his home-boys at the Pentagon are gung-ho on a stepped-up war) in order to seize the alleged mineral wealth buried in Afghanistan (minerals this time not oil), a prospect which even got Obama’s mojo going. In 2009, sugar plum fairies danced in his head as he was informed that the Afghanis were sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals. His elation was fleeting as cooler and wiser heads convinced him that was a delusion. President Trump, however, spurred on by one of his billionaire backers (head of DynCorp International whose company would make out big time whether there were minerals or not) appears to be on the brink of another Afghanistan treasure hunt.
All of which brings us back to that campaign moment in 2016 when Trump opined that had he been in charge when U.S. war fever crested, he would have taken the oil and vamoosed. “How could he?” The cries of rage were heard on both sides of the aisle. As we pointed out nine months ago, Trump’s was far from the lone voice singing that tune. He had lots of company—much of it from the democrats. The New York Times failed to give you the whole story then and the only difference today is that the rest of the corporate “gotcha” media are singing in the chorus.
SA readers know the truth— be it oil or mineral deposits, the U.S. oligarchy that runs both parties continues to believe that any and all treasures buried under the ground of countries reduced to rubble by the U.S. perpetual war machine is theirs by divine right.
Bottom line: Trump had and continues to have lots of bipartisan company in this shameful campaign. The evidence is below.
Did you hear the one about the Donald Trump supporter and the Hillary Clinton supporter who did battle at their favorite watering hole? The Clinton supporter pulled a newspaper article out of his pocket with a triumphant grin. He had won the argument — or so he thought. Turns out he was crowing about an op-ed in the self-described paper of record, The New York Times, “proving” that Trump was not only a proto-fascist and tax dodging sleaze ball but a war criminal in the making. Entitled “America The Plunderer,” Timothy Egan proclaimed “In Trump’s world, the solution is simple: loot and pilfer.” He proceeded to describe in exquisite detail what a low-down, thieving weasel Trump had revealed himself to be. Trump’s solution to the shrinking of the American treasury from endless wars around the globe? “Take the oil.” Yup, that’s right. “We could get in, take the oil, and get out” [Egan’s quote] According to Egan, the repercussions of this dastardly deed — “the Mideast would be aflame with violent anti-Americanism…” To compound the holocaust, who would be on the sidelines waving the pom poms and hi-fiving with other evildoers? Why, that “former KGB operative, Putin (AKA Pootie-Poot).
Funny, Putin’s career tracks closely a former US president, Poppy Bush who was director of the “Spook Factory” (AKA the CIA) before becoming, like Putin, leader of a country.
No red-blooded Trump supporter was going to let that challenge go unanswered. From his pocket emerged a purloined email. Written by Neera Tanden, one of the co-chairs of Clinton’s Transition Team (for a more elaborate dish on the state of Clinton’s transition team, check out “The Company He (and She) Keep” ) and president of the neo-liberal hangout, the Center for American Progress (CAP) whose claim to fame runs the gamut of supporting the right wing push for privatized, free-market education to lobbying for the US “special relationship” with Israel. As one of the Clinton’s coterie of dedicated war hawks, Tanden was troubled by the penchant of the American public to see endless war as a bad thing and peace as a good thing. That was not good from the perspective of the wannabe rulers of the world. Fortunately, she happened upon the perfect solution. Unfortunately she revealed it in an email that was promptly leaked and goes like this (the musical version can be hummed to the tune of “America the Beautiful”)
“Subject: Should Libya Pay us Back? [Message] We have a giant deficit. They [Libyans] have lots of oil. Most Americans would choose not to engage in the world (euphemism for waging perpetual war). If we want to continue [waging war globally]…gestures like having oil rich countries pay us back doesn’t seem crazy to me.”
Question: Who won the debate? The Clinton supporter or the Trump supporter? Possible answer: Who knows. One thing for sure — whoever wins, we lose.
*Original article published October 20, 2016
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