A Beginners Guide to Risk Calculation

Could HR Be Snooping on Your Web Browsing?

It’s 3:01 in the afternoon and you’re sitting in your cubicle staring at your computer screen. Lots of work to do but you’ve got a more pressing item on your agenda. In exactly 1 hour and 59 minutes, you’ll be freed from indentured servitude at least until 9:00 the next morning and it’s vital you get some shopping done before you leave. No sense wasting your free time when you might be able to do it on company time. After all what do they expect for $15.00 an hour —Eternal Vigilance? Besides your favorite discount retailer is having a two-hour blowout sale and it seems right and just for you to reward yourself with a little bauble from Tiffany or a small (miniscule) Prada bag that you can afford.

Now comes the vital calculation —What is the risk of getting caught as you remove your phone from the hidey-hole you keep it in and make your purchase? Your company is pretty sniffy about using company time for personal reasons and you know they monitor your computer. Hands down, the phone is your only option. If you get caught, well you really don’t want to think about that. Student loans and all that jazz. Retribution might come in the form of a pink slip and you’re not sure the unemployment folks will look kindly on your request for money once they find out why you were terminated. On the other hand, you were born to take chances —provided the risk/reward ratio is in your favor.

Good News. Your present dilemma can easily be solved. A simple calculation revealed in an ancient scripture holds the answer. Called the Watering Hole Theory of Risk it lays out a guide for successful risk-taking:

Every living creature has to drink to live. Knowing this, predators lie in wait at watering holes. When thirsty time comes and the critters head to the watering hole, someone is going to get eaten but everybody figures it’s going to be somebody else.”

Good Luck! 

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